

NOQAN KANI (I am) a passionate, open-hearted modern medicine woman creating transformational ancient traditions to connect you to Mother Earth.


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What is Ceremony?

Rituals and Ceremonies are a part of life and a part of healing for the planet. They benefit us in many impactful ways and move us in different directions in our life.

Rituals and traditions have been part of our ancestors. Our ancestors have built the legacies, practiced them, and now we practice them.

It is believed by the Inca culture now is the time to bring these ceremonies to lead others in their spiritual awakening, healing and transformation. They are here to help us remember. The rituals and cerermonies were left here for you.

It is also believed some cultures and traditions are not yet meant to be shared at this moment, and are to be protected and kept secret. But the Andean communities are open and ready for the planet to awaken and to share these globally. It is time to come back into relationship with the Earth and the feminine.

The Message I will create for You.

I am here to be in service through offerings to honor the Cosmic Father, Cosmic Mother and Pachamama.

We will use nature, intentions, sound and offerings to call in what needs our attention for the moment. You will be creating your own individual sanctuary with the messages you receive.