Mayan Energy
This was a powerful reading that resonated deeply with me. It reflects my core essence at a level that not everyone sees.
Sheila Applegate MSW
Spiritual Author, Channel and Mentor
The Mayan Long Count Calendar
Did you ever hear the myth of the world ending in 2012 because the calendar said it was going to happen? They never said the apocalypse would occur - this was an interpretation by Westerners. This is what their calendar is:
The Maya civilization suggests the Earth began August 11, 3314 BC. This was determined by their Long Count. This was based on the movements of the sun, moon, and planets.The May did not have any concept of the Gregorian Calendar. The Ajq'ij, counter of days - a spiritual leader - kept track of these days.They had a system that seemed confusing to many, and once you realize the math of it all, it shows their cyclical calendar ended on the Solstice, December21, 2012, and now it is time for a new evolution to begin.
This was 5,125 years of history in their calendar, and their cycle was 20 years with time moving 20 times faster in each of the 9 Underworlds of Creation. Each level of development had 13 stages of growth - from seed to maturation.
The Mayans believe everything is alive because it has energy. According to the Maya, before your strengths become your strengths, they are your weaknesses, and it is by overcoming those flaws that these aspects of ourselves become our strengths.
The Mayans had different ways to keep time, and did not consider their records as a calendar. They believed time is cyclical and history repeats itself.
The Chol Q'ij or Tz'olkin is a cycle of 260 days with 20 day names - an archetype from the natural world. These energies are called Nawals. These Nawals rotate sequentially with 13 numbers that correspond to each Nawal. Hence, 13 x 20 = 260.
Think of it as a 20- day month; different from the Western 30-day month.
Each number and Nawal have unique characteristics and determine your personality, strength, and weaknesses.
The Mayan Calendar is based on blocks of time and the human biological rhythms. The length was associated with the human gestation period and the growing of corn.
The Mayan has a solar calendar based on 18 months of 20 days. This is 360 days, with the remainder of the 5 days named Tz'apin Q'ij, or Wayeb to some. This is a time of introspection for those days.
This calendar is similar to the Western 365 calendar year. Mayans often used this for the agriculture year as Westerners do.
Every 52 years, the two calendars will start on the same day.
The twenty named days repeat, similar to the seven-day week in the Western civilization.
Each day has a concept that is a message for the day.
One day of the twenty-day cycle is a personal day for you, of which you were born.
This is your true Mayan birthdate - the energetic quality of the day you arrived and began your life journey - where you stepped into Time.
The days are grouped into units of thirteen days, and will repeat, starting with the continued Nawal.
There are 260 basic personality types possible.
Everyone has a Mayan cross which determines other aspects of Nawals that are also here to help guide you
If you are interested in learning what your Mayan energy is to help guide you to clarification of your energy, sign up below.
Mayan energy can also be used for relationships between friends, partners, business partners.
An extended Mayan Cross can also be calculated to help with both personal and relationship readings that explores connection with parents, children and grandchildren.
*Note: I am not an Ajq'ij (Mayan spiritual leader), but I can give you a short version of your energy. If you are interested in a very detailed report, I can guide you to resources.
Relationship: contact
As always, I appreciate your interest in connecting with your energy.